Sky Brightness Tester with Dew Point

Made in the USA
For sale now on eBay under: Sky Brightness Tester
Android App for Sky Brightness Tester (older Androids):
Android App for Sky Brightness Tester (newer Androids):

Rubylith Red Filter used over display to preserve astronomer’s night adapted vision.
The Sky Brightness Tester (SBT) with Dew Point measures the brightness of the night sky in magnitudes per square arc seconds, temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, relative humidity, and dew point in Celsius and Fahrenheit. The resulting information is displayed: 1) on the built-in display, 2) or can be viewed on the available (free) Android app via Bluetooth (BLE – Bluetooth Low Energy), 3) or can be viewed on KStars / Ekos Astronomy Application by using the (free) INDI driver via Bluetooth BLE. The built-in display includes a red covering to allow user to retain night vision at dark sky areas. The SBT has an oversize switch to allow easy use with gloves.
* Bluetooth BLE is employed so that wireless communications can be established in areas that do not have WiFi / Internet access, such as dark sky areas or other remote locations.
The SBT is operated by laying it down on a flat surface with lens pointing straight up at Zenith. For the sky brightness, it reads and averages 16 samples. The display indicates how many samples have been taken. The latest 16 are averaged together to produce the results. The most stable number is obtained only after at least 16 samples have been taken. The system is temperature compensated and adjusts sky brightness readings to the ambient conditions.
The sky brightness reading is affected by:
a) Sun rise and set
* Best readings at least 3 hours after Sun set and 3 hours before Sun rise
b) The phase of the Moon (Moon rise and set)
* Best readings at least 3 hours after Moon set and 3 hours before Moon rise
c) Nearby light sources
d) Cloud cover
e) Humidity, dust or pollution in air
f) If dew has formed on the lens or if the lens is excessively dirty
g) Location of the Milky Way, bright stars, etc.
Dew Point & Humidity – The Dew Point indicates how likely it is for dew to form on telescopes and other equipment. The Dew Point indicates the temperature at which water vapor will condense into liquid water. Telescopes and other equipment radiate heat which makes their surfaces colder than the ambient air. Dew will form when the ambient temperature is near the Dew Point depending on the radiating properties of the material (metal, glass, etc.). Dew Point, Humidity and Temperature readings can be used to determine how successful current astronomy projects will be. Local Humidity can vary significantly from humidity readings of nearby weather sources. Including these readings help astronomers quantitate their local conditions along with Sky Brightness and Temperature. These readings can be used to make decisions and control telescope configurations to optimize success.
· Made in the USA
o Designed & built in the USA
o Each unit individually calibrated using an Extech 407026 Heavy Duty Light Meter
· Light Sensor – AMS TSL25911: Very High Sensitivity, 600M:1 Dynamic Range, Light-to-Digital Converter
· Power: 9V battery version, 5 to 12V plug-in version (2.1 x 5.5mm jack, center positive)
ð Specify power version when ordering
o Optional 9V Power Supply, or user supplied (clean power required)
o Estimated 9V battery life: 10 to 15 hours of operation (temperature dependent)
o 9V current: approx. 30mA, brief period of 60mA at turn on
o Reverse voltage polarity protection
o No internal lighting during sky sampling period (Going Dark)
· OLED display
o Red covered with Rubylith to protect night vision (see spectrum on website)
o Cycles through multiple displays to provide:
§ Indication of Going Dark for light measuring
§ Sky Brightness & Number of Samples
§ Temperature & Humidity
§ Temperature & Dew Point
· Weather Accuracy
o Temperature: ± 0.5C
o Humidity: ± 2%
o Temperature & Humidity detector mounted on outside top to insure accurate reading of ambient conditions
· Android App (free)
o Available at, SBT Sky Brightness Tester
o Employees Bluetooth (BLE)
· INDI Driver
o For use with KStars / Ekos and other INDI compatible clients
o Available upon request
o Employees Bluetooth (BLE)
· Field of View: 15.2 degrees (H) x 13.6 degrees (V) [Oriented with display up]
· Minimum Sky Brightness: At least 22 magnitudes per square arc second
· Overload Indication: An overload condition is indicated when lighting is too bright
· Temperature compensated sky brightness readings
· Size: 12.5 x 6 x 3 cm, 4.9 x 2.4 x 1.2 in
· Weight: 125g, 5 oz. (with battery)
· Operating Temperature: 0 to 70C
· Oversized ON/OFF switch to allow easy operation with gloves
· Side grips to decrease chance of accidentally dropping
· Optional hard-shell case
o Water proof, impact proof
o Additional room available for other accessories
o If not selected, delivered in reusable cardboard box
· Optional 9V power supply for 5 to 12V plug-in version
User Information
User Manual, Specifications Document, Android App User’s Manual provided after purchase. INDI Driver & documentation provided upon request.
Items may be returned for a full refund within 60 days as long as they are not physically damaged.
Two year parts and labor warranty.